The Institute publishes the results of its scientific-research work in its regular and occasional publications. The Institute publishes “Journal of the Geographical Institute ‘Jovan Cvijić’ of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts” on a regular basis. Its occasional publications are books published under the heading of “Special editions”, geographic maps and atlases, landscape and urban development plans and projects, various studies, collections of papers, lexicographic material, catalogues and the like. The Institute exchanges scientific and professional publications with scientific and other institutions within the country and abroad. A part of the print run of the Institute’s publications is sold at the “Inicijal” bookshop, at no. 35, Kneza Mihaila Street, Belgrade.
Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA

The Journal represents interdisciplinary scientific publication, published by the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) from Belgrade (Serbia). The Journal is published three times a year. Journal provides open access and free of charge publishing of scientific papers that pertain to geographic issues and related sciences. Priority is given to original scientific approaches dealing with specific methods, models, processes, problems and laws. Papers will be considered only if have not been published before. It is understood that all the authors, having submitted their papers to the Editorial Board, agree to the Publishing Ethics of the Journal and guarantee that the papers in question are not being reviewed in the moment for any other scientific publication. The manuscripts are reviewed by a minimum of two anonymous reviewers. The correspondence is conducted with the first-signed author (unless otherwise noted), who undertakes upon himself/herself to inform other co-authors of the manuscript.

Special editions of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts are occasional publications put out by the Institute in the form of monographs, which are published depending on when the works in question are received. In the course of a calendar year, the Institute may publish a number of books that belong to special editions. The Institute also publishes special editions in cooperation with other publishing institutions, depending on the kind of cooperation established with those institutions.

As a result of its research work, the Institute publishes various general geographic maps and thematic maps, multisheet maps and atlases. These publications are published in the form of special editions, and also as map inserts, cartographic sketches or graphic additions to books, landscape, urban development plans and other plans and projects.
Other editions and joint publications

In addition to periodical publications categorized as “Special Issues”, which are primarily monographic, the Institute also publishes the monographs in co-publishing with similar institutions.