Драгољуб Штрбац

Драгољуб Штрбац, истраживач-пројектант за ГИС

Научне области: примењена картографија, географски информациони системи

Одабране референце

1. Ćalić, J., Gaudenyi, T., Milošević, V.M., Štrbac, D., Milivojević, M. (2012).
Geomorphometrical method for delineation of plains - case study of the southeastern (Serbian) segment of the Pannonian Plain. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 7(2), 239–248.
2. Milanović A. & Štrbac D. (2009). Water Resources of Danube River Basin in Serbia - Possibilities for Development and Integration with Other European Regions. 6th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems “Earth and Man”, 9-12 June 2009, Munchen, Germany, Bayerisches Landesamt fur Umwelt, Proceedings, Volume II, pp.127-130.
3. Štrbac, D. (2014): Quantification and spatial distribution of precipitation on the
territory of Serbia.Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" SASA, 64-3,
4. Штрбац. Д. Моделирование осадков в сербской части бассейна реки Дунай. В.С.В. Соболь (о.ред.) Труды конгресса международного научно-промышленного форума “Великие реки 2015”. Том 1. стр. 134-137. Н. Новгород: ННГАСУ.
5. Urošev, M., Leščešen, I., Štrbac, D., Dolinaj, D (2016). Extreme hydrological
situations on Danube River - Case study Bezdan hydrological station (Serbia). In S.
Erpicum et al. (Eds.), Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change: Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress (Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016) (pp.771-778). London, UK: Taylor & Francis Group.
6. Kovačević Majkić, J., Urošev, M., Štrbac, D., &Milanović Pešić, A. (2013). Torrential floods prevention possibilities – case study of Skrapež River watershed (Western Serbia). In B. Raskovic & S. Mrdja (Ed.), Natural Disasters: Prevention, Risk Factors and Management. (pp.175-202). New York, NY:Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
7. Бјељац, Ж., Штрбац, Д., и Лендак, Е., (2004) Туристичке манифестације на
правцу Дунавско-Моравског коридора. Посебна издања, књ. 65. Београд:
Географски институт „Јован Цвијић“ Сану.
8. Ferretti, T., Pokrajac, D., Strbac, D. (2011). Descriptors of topographical depressions: A dimension reducing approach.In B. D. Milovanović (ed) Proceedings of Papers of 10th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), Volume: 2, pp. 559 – 562. Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ; Niš : Faculty of Electronic Engineering.